: I learned in the reflector.show episodes about the Young Thug trial that a televangelist in the 80s …

: The secret `brew install` algorithm How to install programs with homebrew: Type brew search PROGRAM and wait for it to show results …

: I see how one might believe that “the purpose of a system is what it does”, and I see …

: TIL that “lorem ipsum” is the corruption of pain itself. Lorem ipsum is typically a …

: Coordinated Lunar Time In April, the White House released a memo on a standard for lunar time (PDF). I hope it is not too …

: Quoting, Raymond Chen Via The Old New Thing A colleague told a story of how he once broke the entire Office division’s …

: Food tracking Perhaps a weird way to put it, but it’s accurate to say that I’ve been enjoying tracking …

: If you see something strange, say something strange

: Just beat my move goal while sitting at a restaurant eating spicy food

: Something else I noticed after updating to Sonoma: although I’ve tried many times in the past …

: Realized since having a baby why YouTube face is so annoying: it’s an exaggerated face we make …

: Let’s Kerberos Cool thought experiment Whenever I think about Kerberos I think about the …

: I’m not trying to make everyone mad, but I gotta say, an Alpine Linux that used systemd for …

: Claws: sharpened Chitin: waxed Splines: reticulated Glands: excreting 👹

: Patterns

: My favorite math scratchpad app Soulver is available on iPhone again - way nicer than a spreadsheet …

: I really wish they would like, put a murderous dictator in charge of HDMI (and all) versioning. if …

: Quoting Ryan Tomayko on how many levels of headers you really need in your documents: Remember that …

: Operating system feature wish: userspace programmable files I frequently find myself wishing for the ability to really treat the filesystem as an API. Imagine a …

: UGC privatization could improve AI models An off the cuff idea: AI training on public data is driving privatization of user-generated content …

: Browsers need better account primitives Michał Sapka notes that PhpBB is a good way to create a small community. I’d like this to be …

: I am seeing more and more bad hyphenation recently, this is just so sad :(

: Copiloting LLMs building GUIs Hypothesis: LLMs will enable developers like me to build apps that require a serviceable but not …

: Homelab aesthetic quotes from computers are bad And I think that’s how I became the person I am today: I want computer networks to operate in …

: A router-enforced EULA for IoT devices A recent shower thought: consumer routers could enforce good IoT manufacturer behavior by placing …

: Ironic to use social sanctions (“climate incinerating”, etc) against cryptocurrency …

: Qubes + Whonix is one of the best ways to make sure you don’t leak your identity on Tor but I …

: Musing on AI tools Regarding AI prose suggestions like this, it seems to me that there’s a big divide between …

: Blue skies, Sierra Ferrel, chickenshit bingo. Thanks Luck.

: This would have been my dream laptop until my 2019 onset of RSI :( I miss working out of coffee …

: TIL: Narrow banking Fascinating history that feels very relevant today: there was recently a bank startup called TNB …


: Imagine browsers offering synced window.localStorage, with an in-browser UI for whether you’re …

: Circa 2000 or so, my family went on vacation to South Carolina to visit my grandparents. Here I am …

: Experimenting with a micro.blog account. Goals: keep posts on my own domain… … but …

: Test post, pls ignore